четверг, 15 марта 2012 г.

Delta's care cuts lawsuits from crashes // Sympathy and concern make friends of families

DALLAS (AP) Marsha Crear, a Delta Air Lines marketingrepresentive, spent last Thanksgiving with the parents of MarkVicich, who died two months after he was injured in the crash ofDelta Flight 191.

"I care about those people," Crear said, "and I truly think theycare about me, too."

The Viciches are not suing Delta. In April, Mark's 28-year-oldwidow, Charlene Vicich, accepted a $1.5 million settlement from theairline only one day after filing suit in federal court.

Only about 60 families are suing Delta over the Aug. 2, 1985,crash that killed 137 people. Attorneys attribute the small numberof claims to the airline's sensitive treatment.

Although …

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