FED: Key findings of national sex survey
SYDNEY, April 9 AAP - Key findings of the Australian Study of Health and Relationships:
- Australians in a regular heterosexual relationship have sex n average 1.84 timesa week but eighty-five per cent want more action.
- The age of first intercourse has declined from 18 for men and 19 for women in the1940s and 50s to 16 for both men and women today.
- Five per cent of men and three per cent of women have had sex with someone otherthan their regular partner in the past year.
- Three quarters of people think pre-marital sex is acceptable.
- 87 per cent of people are in a regular heterosexual relationship and most have livedwith their partner for 12 months or more.
- Nine per cent of men and 15 per cent of women have experienced same-sex attractionand behaviour.
- Five per cent of men and more than twenty per cent of women say they have been forcedto do something sexually they ddn't want to do.
- Nearly one in five Australians have had a sexually transmissible infection at some time.
- 65 per cent of men and 35 per cent of women have masturbated in the past year.
- One in six Australian men have paid for sex at some time.
AAP jjs/wjf/jlw
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